I recently met a wonderful local florist who made this arrangement for my shop. She has a terrific, creative and unusual eye, and is very down-to-earth. None of the crazy wedding racket for her. In fact, she so enjoys what she does that when she passes my windows, if I have a dress which inspires her, she creates an arrangement to complement it. Who wouldn't want someone like this to do their wedding?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Flowers by Susan Bell
I recently met a wonderful local florist who made this arrangement for my shop. She has a terrific, creative and unusual eye, and is very down-to-earth. None of the crazy wedding racket for her. In fact, she so enjoys what she does that when she passes my windows, if I have a dress which inspires her, she creates an arrangement to complement it. Who wouldn't want someone like this to do their wedding?